Thursday 3 March 2011

Poster Unused Images

I chose to use the same style of image that is on my front cover, on my poster, creating a link between the two and making it evident that the two are linked. I decided to also create a further link by, when editing my images, having the whole image in black and white, apart from the mouth area, where the stronger colours are, i.e the red lips and the red and yellow of the pill.
Similar to the front cover of my digipak, once i had taken these images i realised that there was not much space for text to be featured, therefore i re-took the images, framing it so more of the chest area was in shot, enabling me to place the text on a bare canvas.

I chose to have the image of the girl biting the pill as appose to the one where it is simply on her tongue as i believe that it shows more power, whereas with it just laying on her tongue connotes a greater vulnerability and this was not the message that i wanted to portray. The imagery behind my poster runs parallel with that of the front cover of my digipak in that, at first the girl is in control of the drugs she's taking and it is just for leisure use; nothing serious.
As the poster is advertising the digipak, it creates a strong link between the two without giving too much away about what the album is about and the other side's to it i.e the addiction getting worse (connoting that the album has more than one sound to it, and that the more you listen to it, the more addicted you will become)

(click image to enlarge)

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