Thursday 14 October 2010

Analysis Of Lyrics

(introduction) 00.00 – 00.16 = screen will fade from black to a medium shot of a girl with her head facing the floor. slowly she will tilt her face up to face the camera with a clear upset expression on her face. Screen will then fade to another female character who will do the same thing. Shots will continue like this until all five female characters have been shown. Each character will be shown on the screen for approximately 3 seconds. As each character makes strong eye contact with the camera it will create an instant connection between them and the audience.

I swear that i can go on forever, again (00.16 - 00.25) = screen will cut to show first girl character who will be stood in a medium shot looking into the camera. As the lyrics 'i swear' are sung the girl will hold up a card that reads 'swear' on while still looking into the camera. The screen will then fade to show the second female character who will be in the same position, however this time she will hold the card up when the lyrics 'forever' are sung.
Please let me know that my one bad day will end (00.25 - 00.35) = Screen will fade into another character who will be doing the same thing, however they will look up into the camera and hold the card during the lyrics 'let me know'. The screen will then fade out again and reveal a fourth character. They will look into the camera and show their card during the lyric 'end'.
I will go down as your lover, your friend (00.35 - 00.46) A fifth and final character will be shown as the screen fades once again and they will show their card during the lyric 'go down'. The screen will then fade again as the first female character is shown. She will hold up a card again during the lyrics 'your lover'. The shot will fade again and the second female character will be shown and will hold up their card during the lyric 'friend'
Give me your lips, and with one kiss we begin (00.46 - 01.00) The screen will fade once more to reveal the third character again, she will hold up her card during the lyric 'lips'. The screen will fade again to show the fourth character who will hold up their card during the lyric 'one kiss'. The shot will then fade for a final time and show the fifth character who will hold up their card during the lyric 'begin'.

Are you afraid of being alone (01.00 - 01.04) Screen will cut to shot the first character who will still look upset, however more positive about things. She will hold up a card during the lyric 'alone'. Character will look to the side as the screen wipes across
Cause i am, i'm lost without you (01.04 - 01.11) The second female character will then be shown similar to the first, but will hold up a card during the lyric 'lost'. The character will then look up as the screen wipes up
Are you afraid of leaving tonight (01.11 - 01.16) The third female character will then be shown similar to the two previous but will hold up a card during the lyric 'leaving'. They will then look to the side as the screen wipes across.
Cause i am, i'm lost without you (01.16 - 01.28) The fourth female character will then be shown holding up a card during the lyric 'without you'. The screen will then quickly cut between all character who are now slightly smiling and appear to have more make-up on and are dressing more vibrant.

I'll leave my room open 'till sunrise for you (01.28 - 01.38) First character will be shown again, however this time she will be shown with a smile on her face. Character will hold up card during the lyric 'leave'. This lyric connotes change and therefore links with the ideology behind the music video. Second character will be shown on screen, she, too, will be smiling and looking happy. She will hold the card up during the lyric 'sunrise', a word also connoting change and linking with the ideas of the music video.
I'll keep my eyes patiently focused on you (01.38 - 01.49) The third character will be shown, also looking happy and content. She will hold up her card during the lyric 'patiently'. The screen will then fade into the fourth character (the fade representing that, despite not being the way they once were, things are slowly changing) who will hold up the card during the lyric 'you'.
Where are you now I can hear footsteps I'm dreaming (01.49 - 01.59) The fifth and first character will be shown as the shot fades in, looking happy and content being within each others company. The fifth character will hold up the card during the lyric, 'now' and the first character will hold up their card during the lyric 'dreaming'
And if you will, keep me from waking to believe this (01.59 - 02.10) The shot will fade again to reveal the second and third characters. Character two will hold up the card during the lyric 'waking' whereas the third character will hold up her card during 'believe'.

Are you afraid of being alone (02.10 - 02.15) shot will cut to show all five characters laughing and enjoying themselves. The shot will now also be in colour, helping contribute to the idea of change. Character five will hold their card up during the lyric 'alone'
Cause i am, i'm lost without you (02.15 - 02.21) The shot will continue from previous, however, this time character one will hold their card up, showing it clearly to the camera during the lyric 'without'
Are you afraid of leaving tonight (02.21 - 02.26) The shot will continue from previous, however this time character two will hold their card up, giving the camera a clear view of it, during the lyric 'leaving'
Cause i am, i'm lost without you (02.26 - 02.33) The shot will continue from previous however character three will hold up their card during the lyric 'you'

Instrumental/Ending notes. (02.33 - 03.20) The shot will fade out to show clips of the five girls having fun with each other, connoting that they are over what has happened and their life has gone on. The shot will then cut back to show all five characters in the location where all the music video has been shot, laughing and having fun. The shot will fade to black while the girls are still joking around, showing that this process is on going and that the girls have left the situation better people.

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