Thursday 7 October 2010


Language - The language in music videos is shown predominantly through the editing. For example, in a heavy metal track the camera movements can be fast and shaky, however, if the same was done in a romantic slow song the effect would not be the same. Language is also shown through the amount of cuts used in music videos as they usually cut to the beat of the track and keep up with the pace. Therefore, there will be more cuts in a fast (perhaps metal/rock) track than a slower pop track. As my track falls between the two genres (pop punk) i will combined different elements of both types of music video when producing my own.

Institutions - The institution for my music video will be small as i am producing it, therefore my ideas have to be well thought out so i can ensure that they will look good when i shoot them. As i am not working with a larger production such as Warner Bros, my ideas have to be simple and realistic, for example, i cannot have a crane shot coming in from a high angle, tracking down to the ground and into someones house as it is not possible to do with the budget i am on.

Ideology - As my music video is for a song by Blink 182 the ideology will follow the stereotypical ideas for the genre. Therefore the ideology throughout my video will have elements of rebellion but will also have elements of seriousness accompanying it. This links with the ideas of the song and also conforms to the original ideas. The ideology will also link with modern day ideas and stereotypes as when in relationship's it is predominantly the women that are seen most hurt after a break up. However, as my music video goes on it will portray women in a stronger way as they realise that they do not need a man to be happy.

Audience - The audience for my music video will be younger people and those who have an interest in pop punk music as this is the genre of the track i have chose. The audience, i presume, would be predominantly male as the track is by a male band. However, this could go the opposite way and the majority of my audience could turn out to be female as the people featured in my video are female. As i have chose to feature females in a video for a song by a male band, it broadens my target audience by attracting both genders. My target audience is also backed up by the fact that my video will feature people in their late teens/early 20's. This, i hope, will relate to the audience as most teenagers have experienced a feeling that is portrayed throughout my video. The social class of my video will be predominantly groups E and D, perhaps a few in group C2, as those who i am targetting most are students and therefore mainly unemployed (group E)

Representation - The people in my video will be represented as typical teenage girls who have gone through heartbreak and therefore are hurt and don't know what to do with their life. The diegesis will therefore reflect this as i plan, when editing, to change the contrast so it is featured in black and white. The costume will also reflect this as all my characters will be dressed in plain t-shirts with natural make-up. The lighting will be predominantly dark with a lighter patch shining on the character. However, as the video goes on and the characters realise that they do not need a man to be happy and realise that what they are doing is not worth it, the lighting will become brighter (while also transferring into colour from black and white) and the costume will become more vibrant, as will the make-up.

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