Tuesday 2 November 2010

Initial Ideas

When first set the A2 coursework task I was set on the idea of making a music video and not a film trailer, website or any of the remaining brief ideas. Once decided that I wanted to produce a music video i had to decide on the genre of the song and come up with ideas of what to feature in my video. I had no certain thought about what I wanted to feature in my video and had many ideas before coming up with my final thought.

Initially I thought about doing a pop video with a performance element but soon decided against that when I couldn't find anyone to perform and also couldn't find an appropriate song choice. I then thought about filming footage abroad as I was going on holiday during October, however, decided that it would be too difficult to find the time and knew that if mistakes were made it would be impossible to re-shoot the footage.

I then thought about doing a dance track and filming a group of girls on a night out, but once again knew it would be hard to find the time and knew it would be difficult to find people to cooperate and agree with the ideas I had in mind (as they included being very loud and obnoxious) along with re-shooting the footage if mistakes were made.

Finally I decided on a pop punk track by Blink-182 as the track and band is one that I like and so know the audience well and therefore know what to include to ensure that it targets them right. I have decided to feature a mixture between a performance and narrative structure. The people who are performing within the music video will not be a band but characters singing. These will also be the people that are telling a story. This is not as conventional for pop punk videos as they usually have a band performance, however, i decided not to include this as i wanted to challenge the stereotype and thought that it would still be possible to make a successful and realistic pop punk video without featuring a band as the story it tells is one that is conventional of pop punk tracks.

I have decided to make the theme throughout my music video all about heartbreak and how the girl in the relationship is always the one to feel the most hurt and suffer the most during a break up. I plan to show this by having different female characters, portrayed in black and white and looking very plain, looking into the camera holding up cards with pivotal lyrics on them. However, as the music video progresses the colours will become more bright, the characters looking more alive and the all round mood lifted giving the impression and telling the story that life goes on after a break up and you don't have to suffer.

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