Tuesday 30 November 2010

Ancillary Text Analysis #1 (Digipak)

The album cover for 'New Found Glory's' self titled album features nine, single, different images, none of which are the band. This does not follow the conventions of CD covers as the artist is, stereotypically the main focal point of the cover. Each image relates to teenage 'rebellion' life and creates a strong image about the audience the band are aiming their music at. The target audience, from looking at this CD cover, are predominantly stereotypical teenagers that enjoy going out, drinking, having fun and having sex. This is made clear from the variety of images used such as condoms, food and gig tickets. However, because there is such a variety of images shown, it connotes that the band aim their music at a wide audience and this CD cover shows that many people can enjoy the album and music in general.

The colour scheme running throughout the cover is quite bright and includes a lot of reds and oranges. This contrasts with the ideas behind the imagery as it connotes a more bright side to the band, linking with the idea of pop punk music; guitar rifts with a more up beat and popular sound. The bright colours are therefore the 'pop' side of the music where as the rebellious imagery relates more to the 'punk' side of the music.
The images also have a '90's vibe to them (roller blades, joy sticks and old style phones) linking with when the band were the most famous and most well known. As this album was released just into the new millennium, it acts as a way to remember the decade that has just passed, showing some of the best things to come out of the 1990's.

The band name (also the title of the album) is placed across the middle of the cover, making sure it is one of the first thing noticed due to it being one of the main focal points. This is important as there is no main image of the band and therefore would not be instantly known to be a 'New Found Glory' album by most people. However, the font size is not very large, therefore a background on each individual word has been added to help it stand out more and become more recognisable to the audience. Each of the backgrounds on each word also links with the colour scheme's of the images placed on each row of the cover e.g. the orange background on the word 'new' links with the colour scheme of the roller blades, whereas the black background on the word 'glory' links with the colour scheme of the joy stick and food.

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