Monday 13 December 2010

Codes and Conventions of Digipaks

When planning the design of my digipack it was important to look into existing products while noting the codes and conventions of what is typically used to produce a realistic digipack. While looking at the existing market i found that typically used throughout successful existing digipacks are things such as
  • a variety of images of the band/artist and logo's related to the band/artist. visuals such as instruments and live performances are also frequently used.
  • the band/artist name in a recognisable font and style used along the spine as well as the front cover.
  • band/artist information included within a booklet. booklet's also usually include song lyrics, set lists if live DVD's are included and information on the type of music the artist produces and audience that the music is aim at.
  • digipacks are also usually produced to release special edition's of the CD and DVD included so behind the scene footage and special features are also usually advertised/included within the digipak.

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