Monday 10 January 2011

Ancillary Text Analysis #1 (Poster)

The first poster/advert i have analysed is Green Day's American Idiot. This poster features the same image and colour scheme as the one on the album, therefore, creating a link between the two and making it a recognisable product.
The colour scheme is, red, black and white, connoting predominant darkness and danger with elements of light.
The band name is featured in the top left of the frame, ensuring it is clearly seen by the audience and they instantly know who the product is advertising. The name of the album that the poster is selling is featured under it in a smaller, font. However, this text is in a different colour, ensuring that it still stands out.
The image to the right hand side of the frame, is in a cartoon style. The colours used in the image follow the colour scheme of the full advert, making it a recognisable still.
As the genre of Green Day's music is punk, therefore has element similar to the conventions of the pop punk genre and the products for these bands. Therefore, the artist of the track is not featured on the CD or the poster. This is a convention i plan to follow when designing and making my poster and digipak.
A small image of the label that the band are signed to is also placed in the bottom corner.

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